Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Final Project: Linear Time Graphic Novel

I wanted to explore and express linear time using subway trains. The trains start from their first stop, which one could say is the beginning, and travel down all the way to their last stop. What's interesting is that even after a train has reached its last stop, it reverses and goes back to its starting point and keeps going on in that manner.
I developed a fictional character whose interactions (or lack thereof) with other people on the train imitate the way the train travels. She is a girl who is wanting to interact with someone on the train who is similar to who she is, but doesn't realize as she gets off at the last stop, that there is always someone exactly like her and the process continues.

I was inspired a little bit by Steve McCloud's transitions and I looked at work from Art Spiegelman to see how they created their graphic novels.
If I could go back, I would definitely keep up with the consistency of the yellow panels to signal the train announcements, as well as clean up a bit of the drawing blurs.

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