Saturday, April 12, 2014

Graphic Novel: African Hair Story

A graphic novel is challenging and takes time to create, but I enjoyed working on this. I used Illustrator to illustrate pictures of myself and InDesign to lay the comic strip out.

I decided to focus on illustrating a story about my hair. Every morning, I wake up wondering how to style my hair for the day. Girls of African descent have naturally kinky or curly hair that takes time and proper maintenance to be maintained. I decided to illustrate a simple cartoon of myself managing my hair.

Inspired somewhat by Scott McCloud, I attempted to use action-to-action and scene-to-scene progressions to show time passing.

Looking back, I wish I had spent more time on this really developing the illustrations. I would like to turn this into more than a two-page spread. I am especially proud of the design of the cover: I think it looks very African.

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